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I Love You,
Not because of how you look like,
But mostly because of who you are.

Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 6:11 PM.

I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet.
I asked God for minute, he gave me a day.
I asked God for true love, he gave me that too.
I asked God for an angel and he gave me you.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 7:55 PM.

A very close friend once told me;"When one door closes, a new one opens." im happy that door closed and ambitious for what the new one has to offer. (:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 @ 3:33 PM.

There are many women in this world,
like they say "there’s lots of fish in the sea,"
id like to go fishing, what bait do I use?
Doesn’t matter because i’ll just be waiting hopelessly.
Life is full of surprises and plenty of mysteries wont give up that easily.
I want to ask this someone if she can fly and make her think if birds can do it why cant I ,
theres also these words I want to tell her,
special words only made for that special 2.
If I ever get the courage to say it to her I would say,
“I Love You”.


Thursday, October 15, 2009 @ 8:33 PM.

The sun rises the sun sets
only then i see your silouette
pretty as a flower beautiful
as a bird how can i phrase this
in just one word its not possible
cant be done because, its three
words not one. Here i go taking a
risk saying this in an open mist
3 words meant for you,
So this is me saying


tis what boredom imspires me to do
hope you like. (:

Monday, October 12, 2009 @ 10:13 AM.

ahh soo the first holiday of the school year "Thanksgiving" the day where everyone gives thanks to whatever or whoever they are thankful for. Me id like to start by saying im thankful for everything in my life and especially thankful for those real bad moments because of those im stronger mentaly and learnt alot, im thanlful for the memories i've gained over my 16 years of life and more to come, im really thankful for the friends i've got ryt now because they are a large part and reason i am who i am today like without them i myt actually be a diffrerent person. and who knows maybe i wouldn't be ryt here writting out this blog in the comfort of my home eating homemade oxtail w/ rice and peas (which btw i made myself and tastes amazing) and taking in the influences i had before them i myt be in a gang :s, damn that would'nt go so well. Im also real thankful for them main peeps y'all know who you are, you guys are the greatest be with me through thick&think good&bad n mostly all the best memories that highschool has to offer so im truly thankful to you guys! Finally im especially thakful to the fams even tho they're not the greatest in the world there still the fam<3 they are the main reason why i am the way i am becase they raised me from ever since i was that lil chubby ass hoodlem and they bared with all my stupid childish shinanigans, mischievous and other quarrels i made that really pissed them off ;Pbuh yet they stilled bared with me and dient abandon me somewhere on the bus like all those other waste dukes *sticks middle finger* all my aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, they all contributed somthing in my life, but most especially my own parents im thankful for them because even though there are those days where they are such pain in the asses i would give up my xbox to move out ;) i styll love'em cause like i know thats what they're spose to do discipline you and make your life hard so that your ready nuff to face the true difficult shit which is out in the real worl livin on your own having your own family maintaining your own place they're unorthodox style of strictness and discipline was effective enough to make me have such a great mindset like i always think positive and occasionally get that negative thought here and there like im well manered ;p and know what right from wrong is buh even though they've sacrificed everything and worked they're asses off for me, my sister and brother thats what i take in the most, they are doing all this for us yet im not returning the favour im not working (yet) and im basicaly loafting arown the house so im going to repay them by being successful in my own right give back all and everything they gave to me cause i know thats what all parents main goals are, to see the person in which they raised and took care of to be more successful than they ever were especially the immigrant parent cause they know how hard it tis to live life in a third world country working for soo little its almost free. So in conclusion im saying im thankful for the life God has giving me, im not going to put it to waste and im going to give all my God given assets and use them they way im supposed to. So if you are styll reading this then woow i feel gased because im actually interesting XD buh anyways HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE have a good one and go spend time with your fam ;} <3

Monday, September 21, 2009 @ 5:06 PM.

kaay ye i've finally found something usefull to write about on this thats really mbeen in my mind. First of all just the other day my sister went all demonic and all on my dad like wtf? Seriously like cant you follow the damn rules s*** like just cause you've got more responsibilities than a usual teen doesnt mean you make your own rules esp if you your living in your rents house like damn your soo friggen hardheaded, honestly who swears at their father telling him he isn't a father to you anymore and that he should die JUST because he got mad at you for bringing your bf home the 7th tym after the first tym you did he told you not too because you've got a son to worry about and doesnt want you to be distracted by another jerk-off, and then after spazzing each other WHY IN THE WORLD would you have the need to call the damn PO-PO ! Liiike wooow its not like thur gon do anything about our fam situation they don't care like best they can do is calm you the eff down -.- i swear your soo damm retarted, like honestly good luck in the future, and because im your brother and i have a plan in life dont think im going to help you out with anything when im succesful becasue you screwed your life up doesn't mean you can screw mines. But enough of this dilema and thinking of that past situation and your WASTE-ness id like to talk about whats going on in my life.

Sooo yee here comes the boring (n) boo you whoevers reading and saying this is a waste of my life idc your choosing to read this untill now so it aint my problem, im just speaking whats on my mind. Kayy soo im having a little confusion about someone like im seriously getting mixed signals :| do i like her ? does she like me :|? like i see her now and then, but everytime i do we get into some random topic talking about non-sense and dont even notice it like i swear we're compatible but ... its soo confusing cause ever since my latest relationship T.T i've been uncomfortable to get back into the relationship thang, cause its really a lot of work to put into, actually forget that idc about how much work you put into it like you love the person right so why care? anyways ye i know i've got to talk to this person more and get to know her like well soo that theres no awkwardness between us but everytime i do that i get CLOSE pisses me off cause like then you get soo close you cant imagine yourself dating that person anymore because your going to know them soo well thurs nothing to learn about them anymore, y'know what i mean ? sooo yee if anyones willing im gonna nee help with that situation :P.

In other unrealated news i have my co-op interview 2mo @ Milestones ! with some guy named Mike Clausley apparently hes the head chef, head honcho, Boss Man, Pimp..etc of the restaurant. Milestones is some damn expensive ass restaurant btw high-end wich is like some fancy ass rich peoples restaurant that sells 5star food ^_^. Which i plan on cooking for a career and if all that doesnt work i've always got auto mechanics to fall back on. Szeen i've got a life plan ALREADY planed (: took me a while and never thought i'd actually have one but finally now i do. Nyways hopefully they like me at Milstones and i get to learn lots of important things that will help me for the tricks to the trade (Y) and if gods willing i HOPE! they actually and officially hire me after co-op esp if i like it thur because i heard they pay big bucks down thur, plenty of green fah mee ;) dass ryt $16 an hour starting pay for working students, HELLS YAA! buh ye this is whats going on in my life so ye, just remember your the one that wasted your life&time reding this kaaay ! ;)

Friday, September 11, 2009 @ 8:34 PM.

Yo like wtf, just wtf this is so unexplainable right now.
If what is on my minds at this very moment was written
on this blog ther'd be no space honestly -.- im just at
an astonishment at the moment.
this is why,
I've tried to change my personality for the better
but, unfortunately
no matter what. Its still the same.
damn ! If only things
weren't so eff'd up right now.
Hopefully, all that happens are for the best =|.


Melvin Angelo Guerzon
Melvin. Angelo. Guerzon. ! o^.^o
16 year old, 1st December.
Status: Single & lookin.
Just your average flip boy messin' around szeen!
Justene Jaro (:.
Johna, Aero, Edri, Neek, Jayne, Jamilee, Machu, Jp, Sean, JC, Quillan, Phynesse & Russy.
Living up my life the way I should be!.
Link up! Melvinag_1993@hotmail.com
Monsignor Percy Johnson, 2009 *junior*.
Keepin it Real {:.
assholes viewing

Tunes (8).

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

09/10 Goals.

- Yo Kgrill StyllS!
- Peeno Day @ Land!
- Ear Piercing.
- Chill Wit Niggz Till sunrise.
- Woodbine Beach 09.
- GI. Joe
- Base Chillage Wit Dre(:
- CNE !
- Get G1 !
- Travel Somewhere Outa Canada
- Grow Hair Longer Than EVER B4!
- Travel To The Peens ):
- Take Peekchore Wit someone Famous x)
- Sometime Soon Get a Job
- Fear Fest !! (fail)
- Screamers !! (fail)
- Johna's Partay / Sleep Ovaaa !
- Semi for first time ! -

Roast Away {x.

We're Strong Apart, But together we're unstoppable.
Dre Reiban Edrianne Johna Jayne Jamilee Matchu Jessica
Mark MM Neek Gabby JennLam Alex JP Karen Jaekel Susan Meiko